
Monday, May 25, 2015

Banana Diet Tips How To Lose Weight Fast

| 9:41 AM |
banana diet to lose weight

banana diet to lose weight fast

Banana diet is very simple and very effective, as we know that banana is King offruit that can soothe the nerves and anxiety, the banana is the glut of foods that contain less calories and has the advantage of many vitamins, minerals andespecially potassium.

Banana diet is a diet that is very fast and is a low-calorie diet because it could not be done in a shorter period of time. By doing a banana diet will accelerateyou to eliminate body fat.

Banana diet danget is easy to do, especially for those of you who are interested in getting quick results. The following are some tips regarding dirt bananas to lose weight quickly.

Banana diet 1

This is true for the 3 day diet, with very few calories so this diet should not bemore than 3 days, because it will put at risk on health. With this diet there can lose 1 pound per day, especially if you do some exercise to lose weight.

You can get to lose 1 pound per day, especially if you do some exercises. It helps a lot.
Morning: breakfast in the morning was started denganmakan 1 banana and a glass of skim milk or coffee with pemanais saccharine.

Lunch: up to 250 grams of kejucottage, 1 banana and tea.
Dinner: 1 banana

Banana diet 2

The staple food is a friend to the banana diet includes proteins, carbohydratesand vitamins. This diet can be done for 1 week, this is also a quick diet to lose weight about 3 kg during the week.

Morning: breakfast with 1 banana and a glass of milk or coffee with sweetenersaccharine, and fresh bread.
Lunch: 1 bowl of vegetable soup??. 1 cup of skim milk or 150 grams of cottage cheese. 2 bananas.
Dinner  banana Fruit with the amount you want or bananas mixed with milk-. 1Chamomile tea or pennyroyal.

Banana diet 3

This diet is to make it for 2 weeks. It is less restrictive than the previous one, but was more balanced. In the end you can lose up to 5 pounds. It also includesprotein and carbohydrates.
morning: breakfast 1 banana and a glass of skim milk or coffee with skim milk or tea with. With sweetener saccharin. A whole wheat bread and a piece of cheese,or cottage cheese.
Lunch: a chicken breast Skinless roast, or grilled fish. Salad with lots of green vegetables and banyan oil. Olive oil is very good. 1 or 2 pieces of banana, if you feel hungry.

Dinner: 1 or 2 bananas. A hard-boiled egg. Vegetables seasoned with a little oil.The way you want.

Are you going to do the banana diet, diet advice to do number 2 and 3 will besafer for the health of the body. As always, I must warn you before starting any diet you should consult your doctor.
To learn more about silehkan diet tips to healthy diet category in helping you to get your desired body size
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