To lose weight for certain people definitely always justifies all means, to her diet was not being wasted. But it was in fact damage the health of your diet if you want, choose food intake is very healthy for the body. Researchers from Tufts University analyzed data from 120,000 men and want in 3 long term studies.According to the results of their analysis, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition there are some simple rules to lose weight :
1. Stop Count Calories.
Many people are obsessed to calculate periodically how many calories in and out for the sake of keeping the shape of her body. But according to some researchers , this is not the right strategy. The combination of food with a balanced diet in fact give great effects than calorie counting.
2. Balanced Food.
The experts also analyze the relationship between high proteindiet foods and diet Glycemic. As a result, they found that the lower the glycemic index of consumption with consuming red meat combined with vegetables helps make diet becomes unbalanced. When people eat more eating eggs and cheese but combined with indeks low Glycemic Foods, then they experience weight loss as well.
3. Expand The Consumption Of Milk.
Not a few people who think that if you want to lose weight, then we recommend that you stay away from milk and petrol products. But not like that, experts say, to more effectively and rapidly lose weight, multiply the consumption of milk.
4. Multiply Protein Intake.
A menu rich in proteins is considered important if you indeed are eager to lose weight. The intake of food or drinks like yogurt, seafood, meat skinless chicken and bean believed could help prevent excess weight rises.
Choose A Low Glycemic Food Menu. A diet with a high Glycemic intake, especially containing high sugar, making weight loss easier to ride. The reason,foods containing high glycemic index can lead to a quick spike in blood sugar. Therefore, if you are planning to lose weight, multiply menu of fruits, vegetables and nuts.