On this occasion I will share tips are still about skin care, namely tips how to treat stubborn acne naturally.
Acne can indeed make us not confident. Besides acne usually also feels sick and kinda itchy so that makes us want to touch and scratch it which will eventually cause damage in our face.
You definitely do not want it to happen right? well, therefore here we're give tips to cope with it. OK just go ahead, please check out some tips to treat acne:
1. Maintain the Cleanliness of the Skin
Acne is caused by the presence of an excess of minya and the bad bacteria found on the skin surface, therefore keep the facial skin hygiene is crucial to preventing the occurrence of acne. Usually washing the face at least 3 x a day.
2. Consume Garlic
Although sometimes not everyone likes onions, but it turns out that garlic can be used to destroy the bad bacteria in the pores of the skin that causes the appearance of acne. Oh Yes in addition, garlic also boosts the immune system and our skin.
3. Under the Sun's Rays
Basking under the Sun about dinar hours 7-9 am can help overcome thestubborn acne because it can removing the toxins through sweat that out through the pores of the skin.
4. Exercise Regularly
Exercise is very beneficial to our health including the health of skin. This is the same case with basking under the Sun, by exercising all the toxins in our body are my father learned there will be issued concurrently with the sweat coming out of our skin. Besides exercising can also burn the fat in our body.
5. Reduce or Even Avoid going to Bed Too Night
Often bed too night can also be the cause of the appearance of acne, because at night the air today is very harmful to the skin. So try to sleep a maximum of 9 or 10.
6. Wear Lime/Lemon and Tomato
Well, for this way maybe you already know.
Do I take the lemon/grapefruit ipis, then halve the tomatoes/lemon and rub-rubbing on the skin of your face. Do this on a regular basis in order to get maximum results. In addition to eliminate acne, by wearing this way although also smoothes the face skin
7. Wash your Face with Warm Water
Maybe this way can be used as an alternative for overcoming acne. The trick is pretty easy, we just need to membersikah the face with warm water on a regular basis, it would be great if done 3 x a day. Morning, noon, and night before you sleep.
8. Keep your Diet
Well, this might be the cause of the appearance of acne, that is because we are not good at regulating his diet. So I suggest that you reduce eating foods made from nuts like chocolate etc.
9. Expand the Drinking Water
The last way is indeed simple, but remember don't ever under estimate efficacy, because water has lots of benefits.