
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Alert, This Food Can Cause Belly Fat

| 11:51 PM | ,
image for Alert, This Food Can Cause Belly Fat

Many things can cause the onset of belly, anything?

Are you one of the people who suffered belly? If Yes, maybe you should pay attention to life style from now on.

As is known, belly swelling is often defined as General or a sense of tightness in your abdominal area, which can make a person feel very begah after eating.
Many things can cause the onset of a protruding abdomen. One of them, too much eating seeds.

Certain foods such as fruits are hard can also cause abdominal distensi and excess gas production.

A nutritionist and author of the book, Dr. Marilyn Glenville identified thatcommon foods commonly consumed turns can lead to someone experiencing a protruding belly.

Glenville also said that chewing gum can make you swallow too much air. Then, the air that is trapped in the digestive system that eventually led to the gaspressure bulging in stomach.

The same thing can happen if You snacking while the road, because it can cause you to swallow air, which is quite a lot. In addition, eating too fast, talking while eating or drinking from a straw can also be a factor in the occurrence of a protruding abdomen.

Here are a few, you also need to know, foods that cause belly :

1. Vegetables
broccoli for Alert, This Food Can Cause Belly Fat

image of broccoli  for Alert, This Food Can Cause Belly Fat

Broccoli, cauli flower, and cabbage can cause bloating and excess wind. For some people, these vegetables are not completely digested in the small intestine, due to lack of enzymes. It cause when food reaches the large intestine, bacteria in the gut can cause gas and bloating when food is not crushed.

2. Fruit

peaches for Alert, This Food Can Cause Belly Fat

plum for Alert, This Food Can Cause Belly Fat

There are some pieces that are prohibited for you to stomach such averagespeaches and plums.   Because it has alcohol or sugar levels that can be fermentedis causing bloating and gas.

3. Nuts
seeds for Alert, This Food Can Cause Belly Fat

soy beans Alert, This Food Can Cause Belly Fat

Beans such as soy beans, peanuts contain oligosakarida which is a kind of natural sugars in seeds which are usually digested by bacteria in the large intestine. Digest beans on the gut can cause bloating in stomach.

4. Refined Carbohydrates
refined carbohidrat for Alert, This Food Can Cause Belly Fat

Refined carbohydrates will have a high glycemic index carbohydrates that are not refined, so that they are broken down into glucose faster, which can cause bloating and gas.

5. Seasoning Or Spices 
seasoning spices for Alert, This Food Can Cause Belly Fat

Some spicy food like hot curries can stimulate the release of stomach acid, which causes irritation and digestive system ferment. It causes bloating in stomach.
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