
Friday, July 8, 2016

Want to Have Tight Waist? Make It Simple Movement

Diet is done it can make smaller waist circumference and back Ladies. But unfortunately the skin can not easily expand and shrink in a short time. When've managed to lose weight you will encounter waist sagging skin.

Well, do not be upset, there is an easy trick you can do. Reported by boldsky.com, you can do one simple movement each day to remove the skin that is stretched in the waist.

This exercise is also called the Bicycle Crunches. This exercise is useful for toning the abdomen and also burn fats accumulated at the waist with more quickly.

Step by step:

  1. Lie down on the mat.
  2. Put your hands on your head.
  3. Lift legs and do movements like pedaling a bicycle.
  4. Do this for about 15 minutes each day.
  5. Within a few weeks you will feel a significant change .

In addition to exercise you can do massage on the skin every day routine. You can also train your abdominal muscles to pull your abdominal muscles in, hold it a few minutes, and take it off again. 
Do it repeatedly to train the abdominal muscles.
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