
Friday, July 8, 2016

Simple Tips to Prevent Acne Squad

Acne not only grow in the face alone Ladies. There are many people who have problems with the growth of acne on his back. In addition to pain, this will interfere with performance. So not confident dong if you want to wear backless dress.

There are many reasons why acne can result in back or other body parts other than the face, one of which is because the dirt and oil on the skin is still attached can clog pores, so the skin is covered with acne. Besides acne is also caused by hormonal factors. Well, this time Vemale will try to present easy tips to prevent acne growing on the back as has been reported by the following femina.in.

Never underestimate body treatments. Just like the face, you should also pay attention to the pH balance body soap you choose Ladies. To avoid back acne select soap or body treatment that contains antioxidants and a balanced pH balance.

Do not let laziness to shower after gym or rain. Sweat and moist body is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria that cause acne. Go take a shower after gym and whenever you feel sweaty and dirty.
Use an exfoliator or scrub to remove dead skin cells that block the pores. This will help in renewing skin cells. Pick the ones containing AHA (alpha hydroxy acids).

For long-haired make sure your hair is always clean Ladies. This is because hair often make contact with the slender back, shoulders and chest. The hair is not clean or hair care products it can clog the pores and make the skin oily.

Those are some easy tips you can do to prevent acne growing on the back Ladies. The key is to always maintain the cleanliness and do not let sweat for too long. 

Hopefully this information is helpful.

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