
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Benefits of Carrots To Face

Skin problems can be overcome with good care and correct. One of them with the carrot is famous for eye health. This fruit was efficacious for our skin. Carrots can be black blemishes on the face and gradually be able to eliminate them as well.
The material include: 4 carrots and 5 tablespoons of honey.
The trick is carrots in a blender and then mixed with honey, apply on face and leave it up to 10-15 minutes. We then wash with cold water.
It turns out carrots also contain lycopene, which can be effective in preventing damage to our skin cells die. Very many benefits of carrots for our skin. That way we will get the perfect skin.
Among other types of vegetables, including carrot flavor-it's kind of the most popular vegetables. Sweet flavor and crunchy texture. Suitable once used as a healthy snack. If you are not fond of rabbit's favorite vegetable, you belong to a group that loses money. To obtain the fullest benefits of carrots that must be considered is smart to choose the carrot. Choose colored carrots rather young and bright. This mean that the carrot is still young and fresh. Here is a list of benefits of carrots that you should know:
1. Overcoming hypertension
Take 500 grams of carrots washed and cut into pieces, put some boiled water, and then blended. Strain and drink immediately. Try to regularly drink water carrot three times a day.
2. Overcoming fever in children
And Take 200 grams of carrots and then wash clean. Grate and squeeze until the juice out. Boil water juice, drink while warm.
3. Overcoming burns
Carrots pounded until smooth and spread on burns. Do it as often as possible until the wound is not hot.
4. Curing cough
Take a carrot and then clean and grate. Give a few tablespoons of hot water and wring it out. And then Add a little palm sugar, stir until smooth. Drink 2 times a day.
5. Overcoming menstrual pain
250 gr wash carrots and cut into pieces. Add a little water and a blender. Try to drink this concoction at least 2 times a day.
6. Overcoming constipation
Take 2 young carrots then wash and grate. Add 2 tablespoons of lukewarm water and a little salt, then squeeze. Drinking water 2 times a day.
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