
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Tips to Overcome Dry Skin with Coffee

In the summer, not only the body susceptible to dehydration, the skin also can become dehydrated which often causes dry skin and chapped. Besides the hot weather, low humidity, and genetic factors also contribute in this regard.

How improper handling course also can aggravate the skin condition. Selection of facial soap or moisturizing cream made from chemicals can make sensitive dry skin becomes drier, scaly or flaking even in some cases resulted in mild bleeding if scratched continuously.

Friend, can try the coffee as an alternative to dealing with dry skin naturally. With high antioxidant content, coffee has many benefits for the skin, for example alone can eliminate cellulite, brighten the face, preventing irritation caused by inflammation. Choose pure coffee powder without any chemical mixture. Do not also use instant coffee powder in the box. It would be nice if the Friends of using pure coffee powder.

1. Mask Coffee
Prepare a container to make a face mask with coffee powder. If you want coffee as a moisturizing mask, can use olive oil. The alternative to olive oil is olive oil. Mixing coffee with egg powder used to remove dead skin cells. Apply on the face with a brush. Let stand for 15 minutes or until dry.

2. Facial with coffee
This time you do not need to use a container to do facial face with coffee grounds. Enough with warm water wash of the face. Pour the coffee powder in the palm of the hand to taste and gently and slowly rubbed on the face. Coffee grounds in this case works to smooth the face and clean the dirt on the face as a scrub. Remember yes, do not use cold water because warm water that previously were washed away in the face serves to open the pores and helps the coffee powder to clean the dirt in the face.

After application of powdered coffee, do not forget to clean your face with water and then continue to use milk cleanser. It should be noted that the cleanser is recommended not facial foam. Because the content on facial foam more and make the skin feel stiff and dry. After using milk cleanser should also not use toner, use water. Water with a neutral pH is best for dry skin.

Both of the above not only can be used on the skin but also on other body parts. You can apply the method to cope with cellulite and acne scars. Do this regularly, at least twice a week. Hopefully your skin will be healthy, moist and smooth.

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