
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Tips Strategies Staying Healthy and Keeping Skin Moist

Are you among women who already have healthy skin? Dry skin, dehydration, and even premature aging are the three main problems in the skin without realizing quite disturbing appearance.
Consider some surefire tips to solve your skin problems.

1. Use lotion on a regular basis, not just focus on the face only. But also in the hands and feet, use a moisturizer that is specifically the hands and feet.

2. Once the bath is the most appropriate time to use lotion. Your skin is still open pores, body temperature is still cold and that's very nice to wear a moisturizer.

3. Use lotion at least twice a day

Some other ways also can deal with dry skin condition while fasting. Avoid heat, whether from sunlight or hot water usage is also good for your skin.

Shower with hot water can accelerate the evaporation of water from the skin. Consumption of enough water and using a body lotion to improve skin moisture

Drink enough needed by the body for hydration. However, due to daily activities is solid, you also need the help of body lotion to restore skin's moisture.

Therefore, it is necessary again applied body lotion every time wash the skin with water, for example at the time after a shower, wash your hands. 

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